Art SignWorks, Inc.
41785 Elm Street
Suite 302
Murrieta, CA 92562
Phone 951-698-8484

Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm, Pacific Time.

© Art Sign Works

Gallery 28A - Medium Size Outside Identification & Address Signs for Retail Stores & Businesses

Signs Mounted on an Outside Wall, Hanging over a Sidewalk (Blade Sign), Mounted Between Two Posts, or Placed in a Window

Retail Store Signs

Examples of carved Retail Store and Business hanging and wall signs

Welcome to our photo Gallery 28A which contains over 500 photos of custom carved medium and small dimensional wood and High-Density-Urethane (HDU) signs for commercial businesses and retail stores of all types.

Closely related photo Galleries are Gallery 28 which shows large business identification, entrance, monument and directory signs, and Gallery 28B which shows interior business signs & plaques, including Point-of-Purchase (POP) and Point-of-Sale (POS)  displays. Interior corporate wall seals with logos are shown in Gallery 35 and in our companion website, Wood & Metal Plaques. Building architect, construction contractors, landscaping and building material signs are shown in Gallery 28C.

Our photo Galleries , and  prices, contact, quote forms, etc , including our Home page,  can be visited by clicking on a numbered title in the gray box in the left margin of this page (scroll down to see galleries). If you are on a cell phone, click on the 3 red bars on the top right of your screen to see this menu. 



In this Gallery 28A we show over 600 medium and small commercial and retail store signs. These signs are typically 18 inches to 48 inches wide, and serve to identify businesses and retail stores, show entrances, and advertise products & services. Our larger (4 ft to 20 ft wide) entrance, identification, monument and directory signs are shown in Gallery 28. We also can make your wood or wrought iron sign support structure (posts, hangers, chains, laterals, brackets, base, etc.) for post-mounted and hanging signs, if you wish, so you have an easy to install kit shipped to you.



Retail Store Sign

We also have over 4000 business signs in our other photo Galleries (10-12, 14-16, 19-29, and 35) for specialty businesses such as law firms, medical and dental offices, financial services and banks, golf courses, apartments, farms, horse facilities, restaurants, food stores, bars, pubs, wineries, hotels, resorts, B&Bs, etc. This Gallery 28A contains smaller signs for other retail stores and storefront businesses such as clothing, art and photo galleries, hardware stores, service businesses, etc.

We will design custom signs for you at no cost. Please refer to the ID number (e.g. M6110) if you want your sign to be similar to one or more signs shown in the Galleries.


CONTENTS OF GALLERY 28A.This Gallery 28A contains over c00 photos of retail store and business signs & plaques, and covers 2 pages. The pages can be turned by clicking on the underlined page number below,  or the "1" or "2" (page numbers) at the bottom of the page, just below the photos. The photos in this Gallery are shown in the following order, top to bottom:


  • PAGE 1  
  • Section 1 - Medium and Small signs for Retail Stores - Jewelry, Gifts, Art, Furniture, Photo Studios, Clothes, Housewares, Salons, Travel Agencies, and many others.
  • PAGE 2 
  • Section 2 -  Medium and Small Signs for Various Other Businesses -  Manufacturing, Home & business services, Equipment sales & rental, Misc.
  • PAGE 2( bottom)
  • .  3-D carved art appliques




PRICES. We have affordable  prices for our high-quality  High-Density-Urethane (HDU), wood, metal-plated, aluminum, steel,  HDPE  and acrylic signs & plaques. Our custom designed smaller 2.5-D HDU signs, 18 inches to 24 inches wide, have retail prices that range from $200 to $450. Medium size single-face HDU signs, from 24 inches to 36 inches wide, have retail prices from $300  to $850.  Large HDU signs, from 48 inches to 96 inches in width and 36 to 60 inches high,  have retail prices from $800  to $3000+. Carved 3-D bas-relief, wood and metal-plated signs & plaques have higher prices, and HDPE, acrylic, steel  and aluminum signs have lower prices.  Our sign prices depend  on material type, sign area, whether they are single or double-faced,   type of carved relief (3-D vs 2.5-D), number of paint colors, details  of artist-painting, and any special features (e.g., steel reinforcements and frames, overlays, gold leaf, etc.). These prices do not include posts or support structures, which we sell separately. More detailed information on sign retail prices, along with their design features, are described on the Retail Prices & Design Options  page. Please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at for quotes for your specific sign project. 


PLEASE CONTACT US. Please call or email us for a price quote on a specific sign or plaque. We will work with you to design and build the exact one you want. One of our knowledgeable and helpful Customer Service Representatives, Christie, Regina, or Liz, will respond to your request promptly. Call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at, or you can fill out and submit our on-line Request an Estimate Form. We take great pride in every product we make for our valued clients. We offer a 2 year warranty on all our products in any climate. Please contact us today so we can get your sign or plaque design initiated.

HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS SITE. You can scroll down this page to see more sign designs by using the slider on the scroll bar at right edge of this page. You can enlarge a photo and get information on the sign by clicking on the photo. After you enlarge a photo, to return to this Gallery page, click on  "Return to List" at the bottom right of the photo or text. The other page in this Gallery 28A can be viewed  by clicking on an underlined page  "1" or "2" (page numbers) in the box at the bottom left of the page, just below the photos. 

Other photo Galleries , and  prices, contact, quote forms, etc., including our Home page,  can be visited by clicking on a numbered title in the gray navigation menu in the left margin of this page (scroll down to see galleries). If you are on a cell phone, click on the 3 red bars on the top right of your screen to see this menu. 


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