Above is a photo of a quarterboard sign "Sea Salt". The sign is made of HDU and the text and border are engraved (V-carved). The blue background is smooth. After hand-painting with an artist brush and roller, the sign is clear-coated twice for extra protection against the salt air and UV radiation. This quarterboard sign can be mounted on a wall, above a garage door, on a fence or deck rail, on a large gate, or between two posts.
Quarterboard signs are a New England traditional sign dating back to the 1600's.They originally came from sailing ships that had wrecked on shore. They are handsomely carved and gilded ornamental sign boards, originally made for the ships whose names they bore. The quarterboard signs in this section feature a variety of carved 3-D artwork such as clams,starfish, lobsters, pineapples, and anchors as artwork . These signs are carved in High-Density-Urethane 2.5-D or 3-D relief, and are hand-painted with an artist brush or airbrush. They are clear-coated twice for additional UV protection, and will last decades. These signs are usually mounted on a house wall near the residence entrance or on a a fence or gate. They are long in width and narrow in height.
To see 500 photos and designs of other custom carved HDU and wood beach house, seashore, coastal home and business signs, and signs & plaques click on "Return to List" bottom right. We offer signs with beach, tropical, seashore, and nautical themes, including as artwork beach chairs, palm trees, beach umbrellas, ocean sunsets, sailboats, sea life, fish and whales, lighthouses, seagulls, pelicans, shells, etc.
To see designs of other home address signs and plaques, click on Gallery 18 (homes and estates), Gallery 21 (mountain and lake homes & businesses), or Gallery 19 (condos & apartments) in the numbered gray boxes in the lower left margin..
We can make this and similar signs from HDU or a wide selection of wood types (including mahogany, teak, rosewood, cherry, oak, cedar and redwood). We can make a sign or wall plaque of any design in any size from 12 inches ft to 14 ft wide. We can customize these signs with any shape, artwork, border, font style, or color scheme with engraved or raised text and art of your choice. We can also make carved 3-D artwork with a wide variety of stock designs. Monument bases, wrought iron or wooden posts, and iron scroll brackets (for hanging signs) can be purchased for mounting this sign (see Product Lines 6 and 4).
Please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at info@artsignworks.com for design options, price quotes, and delivery schedule, and our knowledgeable and helpful Customer service representatives will respond to your requests quickly .
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You can return to the Gallery 20 (beach, seashore and nautical signs ) page by clicking "Return to List" below right