Above is a photo of two cast bronze plaque sof the Coat-of-Arms of Sneed Manor. The molten bronze for each plaque were poured into a precise sand mold for the casting, and after cooling, the cast metals were trimmed by grinding smooth any artifacts and the text, borders and artwork were finished and polished by hand. The background is dark bronze patina.
Please click on "Return to List" on the bottom right of this text to see 60 other bronze, brass, and aluminum plaques and signs.
We make custom & personalized solid metal and metal-plated round, rectangular, shield, and other shape wall plaques of all of the seals, emblems, logos, badges, medals, insignia, and patches for any branch, department, agency or other organization of the US Federal, State, county and city governments and their various departments, agencies, etc., (including courts), as well as professional offices (attorneys, doctors, CPAs, etc.), colleges, companies, stores, cemeteries, parks, churches, and residences.
We can make 3-D carved and sculptured bas-relief (0.5 to 1 inch elevation relief ), 2.5-D multi-level relief, or engraved solid bronze, brass plaques of any design in sizes from 8 inches to 36 inches, for either indoor or outdoor use. These can be cast, precision machined, or etched.
We can customize or personalize these plaques with carved raised or engraved text for individual or organization names, achievements, citations, dates, etc. These are suitable for outside building entrances, memorials, monuments, informational displays, dedications, and also inside lobby or reception areas, hallways, courtrooms, conference rooms, offices, and auditoriums. We also make metal plaques for employee or citizen with citations for memorials, recognition, award, achievement, service , or retirement events.
Please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at info@artsignworks.com for design options, price quotes, and delivery schedule, and our knowledgeable and helpful Customer Service Representatives will respond to your requests promptly. Prices for these metal wall plaques vary widely with size, type and complexity of design. Call or email us for prices on these beautiful custom 3-D bronze, brass, or aluminum plaques and signs.
To see prices or get a Quote form, or an order form , please click on one of the gray boxes in the upper left margin of this page.
You can return to the Gallery 7A (cast and machined metal signs & plaques ) page by clicking "Return to List" below right.