A20231 - Carved Hanging Signs for Family Law Offices
These carved hanging signs for Family Law Offices are made of High-Density-Urethane (HDU). The text and borders are carved in raised relief . The text "Offices" and the Scale of Justice is carved in 3-D bas-relief. The signs and hardware and side brackets are painted with long-lasting sign enamels.. The entire sign is clear-coated twice The snap-links and eyehooks are made of aluminum, and the bottom signs can be easily changed out. The top sign is hung from a wooden 4 x4 cross beam supported by two 4 x4 posts with decorative finials (not shown). In high wind areas side stabilizer hardware can be installed on all three signs to prevent the signs from swinging in the wind. These and similar signs can be made any size, shape, color text or artwork, and can be placed outdoors or indoors.
To see 450 other sandblasted, engraved, carved 2.5-D, or premium carved 3-D High-Density-Urethane (HDU) and wood signs and plaques for attorneys, law offices, prosecutors, judge chambers and courtrooms, please click on "Return to List" below right.
We can make a carved, engraved or sandblasted wood or HDU sign or plaque of any design in any size from 12 inches to 96 inches, for either indoor or outdoor use. These can be placed on iron or wood posts, a wall , a monument base, or on an outside or inside door. We can customize these signs with any shape, border, font style, or color scheme with carved (engraved) or raised text and art of your choice.
For more information on design options, prices and delivery times, please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at info@artsignworks.com, and our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives will be pleased to help you.
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