4. -Golf Course Traffic and Rules Signs Made from Wood and HDU
Our traffic & rules signs are made from wood or hardened HDU. These signs are mounted on aluminum or steel posts and hangers, which are powder coated for long life and minimal maintenance. For wood or HDU, we make either raised or engraved letters, border and art. We make the sign dimensional using by using a CNC router or by sandblasting, or both.
r Every sign has two coats of Mathews polyurethane paint on its background, plus two coats of trim, plus two coats of polyurethane clearcoat for additional UV protection and wear resistance. These signs are as tough and as durable as cast aluminum, and they look better at a fraction of aluminum's price. Also, they will not corrode or oxidize like aluminum does. We make a large or other art at no additional cost. We also make tee signs and yardage markers, as well as information and direction signs on the course.
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