These custom cut-out letters made from High-Density-Urethane can be mounted flush on a smooth surface on on stand-off studs, shown in the photo. These custom letters can be made in any font style, any size (3 inches to 5 ft high ) or any colors, and are less expensive than metal letters. We can paint them any color, metal-plate them (bronze, brass, copper, aluminum, or nickel-silver metals), gild them with 24K gold or pure silver, or stain them (wood only). We make in-house custom letters (including script), numbers and logos and other artwork (borders, flourishes) from HDU, wood, and PVC.
To see over 150 other large signs, please click on "Return to List" at the bottom right of this page. This photo Gallery shows examples of our large High-Density-Urethane , wood, High-Density Polyethylene, , MDO/HDO Plywood, aluminum and standoff letter signs made for entrances to cities, apartment complexes, companies, retail stores, restaurants, colleges, churches, hotels, resorts, country clubs, wineries, farms & ranches, and other commercial entities. These large signs can be mounted on a masonry base, on two or several posts, on a roof, on a wall.
For more information on design options, prices and delivery schedules, please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at, and our knowledgeable and helpful customer Service representatives will respond promptly.
Please click on one of the numbered gray boxes on the lower left margin or the gray boxes on the upper left margin to see other information such as prices, request a quote, or send a file. You can search for a specific sign type on this website by typing in key words in the Search box at the top of this page.
Return to the Gallery 5 (large signs) page by clicking on "Return to List" below right
To see over 170 other large signs, please click on Gallery 5 - Large Signs. Gallery 5 shows examples of our large HDU, wood, HDPE, MDO/HDO, Aluminum and standoff letter signs made for the entrance to a city, apartment complexes, companies, retail stores, restaurants, colleges, churches, hotels, resorts, country clubs, wineries, farms & ranches, and other commercial entities. These large signs can be mounted on a masonry base, on several posts, on a roof, on a wall.
For more information on design options, prices and delivery schedules, please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at, and our knowledgeable and helpful customer Service representatives will respond promptly.
Please click on one of the numbered gray boxes on the lower left margin of this page to see other Photo Galleries, or the gray boxes on the upper left margin to see other information. You can search for a specific sign type on this website by typing in key words in the Google Search bar at the top of this page.
Return to the Gallery 5 (large signs) page by clicking on "Return to List" below right.