This Section 2 of Gallery 28 shows photos of large custom monument signs made of EPS (Extended Polystyrene) Foam with a hard shell. These can have two pillars, a base and an arched or flat top. These hard-shell Extended Polystyrene (EPS) integrated monument signs usually have raised text and artwork. These dimensional EPS monument entrance signs are good choices for corporations, malls, retail stores, and businesses of all types . EPS monument signs are lightweight compared to stone, concrete or brick monument bases, cost less than half as much, and can be installed in two or three hours rather than weeks. They are extremely durable, resistance to impact, and will last over 20 years with little maintenance, even in severe Northern, maritime , or sun belt climates. To see over 30 other styles and sizes of these EPS monument styles, please visit the bottom page of Gallery 6.
To see photos of designs of over 300 other Large Commercial Entrance and Monument signs in Gallery 28, click on "Return to List>>" below right. We make custom long-lasting and attractive dimensional wood, HDU (High-Density-Urethane), bronze, brass, copper and aluminum-coated HDU, MDO, HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) , PVC and EPS (Extended Polystyrene) signs complete with internal and external steel or wood support structures. We can make post-and-panel and monument 2.5-D or 3-D signs in any size from 3 to 25 feet, for all-weather, long-term (10 to 30 years) outdoor use in any climate.. A sign can use a wide selection of size, shape, materials, color, font style, and artwork choices.
For more information on design options, prices, and delivery schedules, please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at, and our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives will respond promptly with a quote.
To see photos of other smaller retail and commercial business signs. click on Gallery 28A (small and medium commercial exterior signs, especially for retail stores) and Gallery 28B (indoor business and store signs, including Point-of-Purchase (POP) signs and plaques). Other specialty business signs are shown in Galleries 10, 11, 11A ,11B, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, listed in the left margin. We have over 15,000 photos of signs and plaques on the website, organized into 45 photo galleries listed on the left; click on the numbered title in a gray box to visit another Gallery.
To return to the Large Commercial signs in Gallery 28, please click on "Return to List" below right.