Art SignWorks, Inc.
41785 Elm Street
Suite 302
Murrieta, CA 92562
Phone 951-698-8484

Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm, Pacific Time.

© Art Sign Works

K20419 - Carved HDU  Entrance Sign for the Station Park Residential Community, with Railroad Tracks as Artwork

K20419 - Carved HDU  Entrance Sign for the Station Park Residential Community, with Railroad Tracks as Artwork

Above is a photo of a carved High-Density-Urethane (HDU)  entrance sign for the Station Park residential community.  The text and  border are carved in  2.5-D  raised  relief. The artwork features a railroasd track. The background is lightly sandblasted in a sandstone texture. The sign is painted with long lasting sign enamels, and  is clear-coated twice for additional UV and graffiti protection. This entrance  sign can be mounted on a stone or brick monument wall or mounted between two aluminum or wood posts with steel side brackets .  It can be made double-faced.  Every residential community sign is custom designed  to meet customer  requirements.

To see over 300 photos and designs of other carved wood & HDU entrance name and address signs  for apartment complexes, condos, and residential communities with HOA's  in Photo Gallery 19, click on "Return to List" below right. These can have  a variety of art themes, including trees, plants, flowers,  birds, animals and other artwork. Approximate prices of various styles and sizes of these signs are shown on our Retail Prices and Design Options web page (click).

Other types of apartment signs such as office, recreational center, swimming pool, laundry, wayfinding, map, rules, private, parking/no parking, street name, traffic and unit number signs are shown  in Gallery 19A (click on the title "Apartment & Condo Building and Directional Signs"   in gray navigation menu on the lower left) 

To see designs of other residential address and property name signs, you can  click on Gallery 18 (single-family home and estate residences), Gallery 20 (beach, seashore and coast residences & vacation homes) , Gallery 21 (mountain and lake homes , cabins & cottages), or Gallery 23 (farms & ranches) in the numbered titles  in the gray navigation menu on the lower left. You can search for a specific sign type on this website by typing in key words in the Google Search bar at the top right in the header of this page.

We can make similar signs from HDU or a wide selection of wood types (including mahogany, teak, cherry, oak, cedar and redwood). We can make a sign or wall plaque of any design in any size from 8 inches to 14 ft wide. We can customize these signs with any shape, artwork, border, font style, or color scheme with engraved or raised text and art of your choice. We can also carve 3-D artwork with a wide variety of stock designs. Monument bases, wrought iron or wooden posts, and iron scroll brackets (for hanging signs) can be purchased for mounting this sign (see Product Lines 6 and 4 by clicking on numbered gray box in left margin).

Please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at for design options, price quotes, and delivery schedules, and our knowledgeable and helpful Customer service representatives will be pleased to respond to your requests promptly . Approximate prices are shown in Fig 4 in the middle of the Prices and Design Options page (click on link)  

You can click on Home on the top of the gray navigation menu on the left side  to see our home page. Please click on one of the numbered items in the lower section of the gray navigation menu to see other Photo Galleries, or the items at the top of this menu  to see other information such as prices, order forms, testimonials, FAQs, who we are,  etc.

Return to the Gallery 19 (apartment, condo and residential community entrance name and address signs ) page by clicking "Return to List" below right.

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