Gallery 18 - Residence, Estate, & Property Name, Address, House Number, & Welcome Signs & Plaques
Examples of Our Custom Carved Dimensional Residence, Property and Estate Signs.
Welcome to our photo Gallery 18 showing over 650 photos of our dimensional carved wood, High Density Urethane (HDU) , and bronze, brass, copper and aluminum signs & plaque designs for residences including estates; urban, suburban and rural homes; and condominiums and townhomes. These include "welcome", name & address, address number, property name, and private property signs.
Other closely related photo Galleries for residence property name and address signs can be visited by clicking on numbered gray navigation boxes in the lower left margin on this page. We have welcome, property name, and address signs in 4 other photo Galleries. Gallery 20 shows over 850 address and name sign designs for beach, seashore and coastal residences. Gallery 21 shows over 650 address and name signs for mountain, lake, forest and desert cabins, cottages and other residences and vacation homes. Gallery 23 shows over 500 signs for farms and ranches, many of which feature wildlife as artwork. Apartment and condo complex signs are shown in Gallery 19 and Gallery 19A. All together, we show over 4000 different designs for property name and address residence signs on this website, the largest collection of custom designs of signs of this type in the world. if you can't find a design you like in these photo Galleries, we will make you a custom design with your exact preferences that will approve, and there is no design fee.
Other photo Galleries. prices, contact, quote forms, etc , including our Home page, can be visited by clicking on a numbered title in the gray navigation menu in the left margin of this page (scroll down to see galleries). If you are on a cell phone, click on the 3 red bars on the top right of your screen to see this menu.
In this Gallery 18, we offer custom carved 2.5-D, 3-D and engraved dimensional address signs and plaques. These are fabricated from High-Density-Urethane (HDU), wood (cedar, redwood, mahogany, oak, maple, cherry), and metal-coated HDU (brass, bronze, copper, silver-nickel, and aluminum).
CONTENTS OF GALLERY 18. This Gallery 18 contains over 650 photos of house and estate property name, welcome and address and house number signs and plaques we have made. These are shown in in the two pages of this Gallery. Please move the slider on the scroll bar on the right edge of the window to see the photos lower down on a page. Click on the underlined Page number below or at the bottom of the photos "1" or "2" to go to a different page of this Gallery 18. House and address number signs & plaques (without artwork) are shown in Section 13 in the lower middle of page 2 (begins with photo I18800).
The photos of signs & plaques are shown in this Gallery organized by their artwork subjects in the following Sections listed in order, top to bottom. Sections 1-11 are on Page 1, of this Gallery, and Section 12 -18 are on Page 2.
Page 1
Estate Monuments (begins with photo I18000), also see Gallery 6
Elegant and Formal (begins with photo I18100)
Flowers (begins with photo I18200)
Trees and Leaves (begins with photo I18300), also see Galleries 20 and 21
Irish Symbols (Shamrocks, Gaelic, etc.) (begins with photo I18400)
Pineapples (begins with photo I18450)
Birds (begins with photo I18500), also see Galleries 20 and 21
Wildlife (begins with I18550), also see Gallery 21
Dogs (begins with I18600), also see Gallery 11B
Sports symbols (begins with I18650), also see Gallery 35
Nautical symbols (begins with I18700) , also see Gallery 20
Miscellaneous symbols (scenes, sun, music, religion, tropical, etc,) (begins with I18750)
Text Only, no Art (begins with I18803)
Address and House Numbers (begins with photo I18851)
Natural wood (begins with I18927)
Private Property and No Trespassing (begins with I18980)
3-D Carved Art Appliques (begins with I18996) .
Wrought iron hangers for residences (begins with I19005, page 2 (bottom), also see Gallery 4
Other Galleries that show specialized residence signs are: Gallery 20 (seashore), Gallery 21 (lake & mountain), Gallery 23 (farms & ranches) and Gallery 19 (Apartments & Condos). These galleries can also be viewed by clicking on the product Gallery numbered gray boxes on the lower left margin of this page.
PRICES. We have affordable prices for our high-quality High-Density-Urethane (HDU), wood, metal-plated, aluminum, steel, HDPE and acrylic signs & plaques. Our custom designed smaller 2.5-D HDU signs, 18 inches to 24 inches wide, have retail prices that range from $200 to $450. Medium size single-face HDU signs, from 24 inches to 36 inches wide, have retail prices from $300 to $850. Large HDU signs, from 48 inches to 96 inches in width and 36 to 60 inches high, have retail prices from $800 to $3000+. Carved 3-D bas-relief, wood and metal-plated signs & plaques have higher prices, and HDPE, acrylic, steel and aluminum signs have lower prices. Our sign prices depend on material type, sign area, whether they are single or double-faced, type of carved relief (3-D vs 2.5-D), number of paint colors, details of artist-painting, and any special features (e.g., steel reinforcements and frames, overlays, gold leaf, etc.). These prices do not include posts or support structures, which we sell separately. More detailed information on sign retail prices, along with their design features, are described on the Retail Prices & Design Options page. Please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at for quotes for your specific sign project.
PLEASE CONTACT US. Please call or email us for a price quote on a specific property name and/or address sign. We will work with you to design and build the exact one you want. Our knowledgeable and helpful Customer Service Representatives, Christie, Regina, and Liz will respond to your request promptly. Call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at, or you can fill out and submit our on-line Request an Estimate Form. We take great pride in every product we make for our valued clients. We offer a 2 year warranty on all our products in any climate. Please contact us today so we can get your sign or plaque design initiated.
HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS SITE. You can scroll down this page to see 650 more sign designs by using the slider on the scroll bar at right edge of this page. You can enlarge a photo and get information on the sign by clicking on the photo. After you enlarge a photo, to return to this Gallery page, click on "Return to List" at the bottom right of the photo or text.
Other photo Galleries can be viewed by clicking on a numbered title in the gray navigation menu in the lower left margin (scroll down) . If you are on a cell phone, click on the 3 red bars on the top right of your screen to see this menu. Business web pages (e,g, prices & design options, request a quote, place an order ) can be viewed by clicking on a title in the gray navigation menu in the upper left margin.